Monday, December 28, 2009

Snow Play

Playing in the snow.

Waiting for summer so she can play in the water.

Testing the ice to make sure it is safe.

My little snow angel.

Making the ice skating rink.

Frozen drain.

My little man eating the snow.

Snow, snow and more snow. We weathered the ice storm first and then came the snow. Of course, the snow was the most fun. We bundled up into our snow gear and headed out to play. All we need now is a snowmobile. I'm sure that will come in due time! I guess when the lake water is frozen is a time you can actually meet your neighbors on the other side of the lake and walk there! Snow is so pretty I just wish it wasn't so cold to play in. I prefer my sun and heat!

"Snow may fall, winds may blow, love keeps us warm"

1 comment:

Chris said...

We had such a great time playing in the snow, and going out on the frozen lake for the first time. I love the time we get to spend together now as a complete family.